Tag Archives: constructive rest pose

Winter Self Care Challenge

The winter seasonal self care class is approaching quickly (on December 17th at OhmMother Yoga) but that doesn’t mean we have to wait until then to take care of ourselves.

December can be a busy month for so many people so I wanted to invite you to s.l.o.w down with me. If you are coming to class consider it homework because I want to know about your experience.

Here’s the challenge.

Commit to yourself to do 1, 3, or 5 minutes of constructive rest pose every day. If you can do it sometime between 3-7 that is ideal but if that doesn’t work pick any time especially a time that you can make this challenge successful. Now go to the alarm app on your phone and set a self care alarm so you won’t forget! 😉

While you rest in this pose I want you to simply listen to what your body is telling you. Then when your time is up continue on your day and observe how you feel. Share your constructive rest pose pictures or check in when you practice your self care on facebook or IG with hashtag #selfcarewithsarah Here’s more info on constructive rest pose.

Constructive Rest Pose

Lay face up

Arms at your sides, hands far enough away that palms rest comfortably up

Feet shoulder width apart, toes turn in allowing knees and thighs to rest against each other



Natural Remedy for Sleep

Here is a natural remedy for sleep that has no negative side effects, is not addictive (at least not in a negative way), and requires no fancy equipment or training.

Constructive Rest Pose is said to be the equivalent to 2 hours of sleep when held for 10 minutes. Give this a try when you’ve had a rough night’s sleep, when you are having trouble falling asleep, or as a part of your every day routine to feel more rested, focused, and alert. If you notice midafternoon fatigue use 5-10 minutes of your lunch break to practice constructive rest pose.

How to do it:


Lay on a flat surface with your knees bent. Bring your feet out about shoulder width apart. Turn your toes in (slightly pigeon toed) If there is any discomfort in your lower back walk your feet either further away from your body or closer to your body depending on what feels better to you. Slide your shoulders down away from your ears and rest with your arms at your sides just far enough away from your body so that your palms can comfortably rest racing up. Slide your chin slightly towards your chest to lengthen the back of the neck. Close your eyes and practice deep breathing for 5-10 minutes.

To come out of the pose:

Take a stretch if you feel its needed. Protect your back and roll onto your side. Rest for a moment on your side if you aren’t fully alert and when ready press yourself back to a seated posture.
