Spring Self Care

Spring is the time of year when all the energy that went deep into the body during winter starts to move up and out, we see this a few different ways. In nature we see it in buds, sprouts and blooms bursting outwards from branches and the ground and lots of animal babies being born. In our bodies we can see this sometimes on our skin as eruptions such as break outs or rashes if imbalanced or in brightness in the eyes and “cabin fever” where you feel like you just have to move and clean. This calls to mind for me the theme of March as a child “In like a Lion and out like a Lamb” which is certainly how we are starting out this March. The meridian channels of the liver and gall bladder which are most active in the spring time take over where the urinary bladder channel ends starting at the big toe and bringing the energy of the body up. The gall bladder channel begins at the corner of the eyes and moves down the lateral side of the body also helping to bring the energy of the body outwards and ends on the 4th toe.

The liver/gall bladder system controls the free flow of qi or energy in the body. When this energy doesn’t move it causes stagnation. When stagnation hangs out long enough it can manifest in a few  ways: pain, irritability, phlegm, depletion and can really mess with a woman’s cycle. I like to use the image of water to get the idea of this concept. When water is running it is clear, cool and drinkable this is how healthy circulation looks like in the body. When water is stagnant it does not move, its warm or even hot, it starts to get murky or slimy this is what stagnation looks like in the body as well.

This “free flow of qi” also impacts the emotions. When this is balanced the mind is also at ease. When imbalanced it can manifest at either end of the spectrum: depression or hyperactivity. Anger, depression (repressed anger), irritability, restlessness all fall under the emotions of the liver system and can manifest or be a cause of disrupting the free flow of energy in the body.

The liver energy is also closely tied with digestion as it helps move the energy of the spleen and stomach in the proper direction for digestion and absorption of energy.

The Liver in Chinese Medicine also “stores the blood”. When the body is active the liver sends blood out into the body to assist in carrying out those activities. At rest or when sleeping the extra blood returns to the liver. The rest part is how we “recover” our energy after activity and is one of the reasons why rest is so important.

The liver controls the tendons (and ligaments). With healthy liver blood energy the tendons and ligaments are nourished and supple and able to carry out normal function. The liver is also responsible for our ability to relax.

The liver energy manifests in the nails and is our clue to how well the liver is functioning. When in harmony the tendons and nails are strong and when deficient they will become weak, soft, thin, withered or even deformed and chipped.

The liver energy is also said to open to the eyes.

The environmental factor of the Spring is Wind. It has often been said “Wind is the Mother of a thousand diseases.” When the body is healthy it is able to ward off the wind without issue. When depleted or when the pores are open either at night or after strenuous exercise wind can come in the body causing all sorts of issues from a cold, paralysis, headaches, stiffness, traveling pain like sciatica, numbness etc. Because Spring is a time of great change it is a very important time of year to keep the neck covered as this is where the Chinese believe is most susceptible to attack. If sleeping with windows open try not to sleep directly under the window or if sleeping with a fan on try not to have it blow directly at you (this is a common cause of waking up with bell’s palsy).

Spring                                 Liver/Gall Bladder System

Emotion: Anger                 Color: Green

Taste: Sour                         Environmental Factor: Wind

Direction: East                    Element: Wood

Sense: Eye                           Tissue: Tendons

The normal character of the liver is to Flourish. With that said, the Liver is known as the “General”. The smooth flow of energy by the Liver Qi assists in regulating and balancing energy in every part of the body.

On a more esoteric note the Liver energy influences the Ethereal soul or Hun. This soul is where our capacity for planning out our lives and finding a sense of direction resides. When the liver is at its natural state of flourishing the ethereal soul is firmly rooted and can help plan our life with wisdom and vision.